Society 5.0: The Challenger and Opportunities for Informations Systems
Website: http://capsi2021.apsi.pt/index.php/en/
On October 13th to 16th, 2021, ESTGV and UTAD, in a joint organization, will host the 21th edition of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems Conference.
Maintaining the Conference model from last year’s – CAPSI 2020 – we hope to prompt your interest to the 21st CAPSI edition and count on your participation, either by presenting your research work or by participating in the various initiatives we are preparing.
The main conference theme this year is "Society 5.0: The Challenger and Opportunities for Informations Systems".

The 20th edition of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems Conference will be held at Universidade Portucalense (UPT) from October 16th to 17th, 2020 in a joint effort with FEUP, ISEP-IPP, ISCAP-IPP e ESTGF-IPP.
Maintaining the Conference model from last year’s – CAPSI 2019 – we hope to prompt your interest to the 19th CAPSI edition and count on your participation, either by presenting your research work or by participating in the various initiatives we are preparing.
The main conference theme this year is "Artificialization, Humanization: The Challenges of Information Systems in Transforming Society."

The 19th edition of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems Conference was hold at NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) from October 11th to 12th, 2019 in a joint effort with ISCTE-IUL, ISEG, IST, Universidade de Évora and Universidade Portucalense.
Maintaining the Conference model from the previous year’s – CAPSI 2018 – we hope we prompted your interest to the 19th CAPSI edition and counted on your participation, either by presenting your research work or by participating in the various initiatives we are preparined.
The main conference theme this year was "Digital Disruption: Living between data science, IoT and…People".

The 18th edition of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems Conference will be held at Polytechnic Institute of Santarém from October 12th to 13th, 2018 in a joint effort by Universidade de Évora, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém and Universidade de Santiago (Cape Verde).
Maintaining the Conference model from previous editions – CAPSI 2017 – we hope to prompt your interest to this year’s edition of CAPSI and count on your participation, either by presenting your research work or by participating in the various initiatives we are preparing.
This year’s conference main theme is “Industry 4.0 and Information Systems”.

CAPSI'2017 is the 17th Conference of the Portuguese Chapter of the Association of Information Systems and will be held at University of Minho, Guimarães, in 6 to 7 of June, preceding the ECIS'2017 conference.
CAPSI'2017 is organized by the Portuguese Chapter of the Association of Information Systems (APSI/PTAIS) and the Information Systems and Technologies for Transformation of Organizations and Society (ISTTOS) Research Group, of the ALGORITMI Center, of University of Minho.
The main theme of the conference is "Digital Transformation" and the Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to present your research work.