The techniques of social games and gamification are increasingly popular. Leading companies worldwide already use gamification, applying the techniques of game designers as varied objectives to serve as marketing, human resource management, increased productivity, training, innovation and customer commitment. Based on symbolic capital, the theory of self-determination and aspirational goals, Professor José Esteves presented the characteristics of gamification activities that have been used successfully by companies through very practical exercises and case studies of succes.
- June de 2014
The workshop will focus research in designing resilience into regions and organizations so they display a sustained capacity for change, therefore increasing their ability to survive a crisis and thrive in contexts of high uncertainty. Relevant research must address the role Information Systems and Technologies can play in managing the collective and distributed capacities to
- Anticipate potentially disrupting events;
- Avoid or prevent their occurrence;
- Plan and prepare for disruption required to protect the organization / community /region;
- Recover to a new fully functional state and assure continued operations.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together IS scholars who are conducting research into Information Systems to support/enable resilient organizations, communities and/or regions to economic crises, which is a topic within the field of IS that is gaining relevance given the many sources of uncertainty lying ahead. The workshop will provide a forum within which participating scholars can collaborate to determine the scope and thematic content of the area of IS for Resilience.